The foundation has been pioneered and is directed by
Catherine Kamau; born and based in Kenya. She is a concerned and has a heart
for doing her best in for the needy in the society. After she saw the way them
that were in position to help and not helping. Hence underscoring the fact it
is a ‘an every man for himself kind a society’ Catherine inspired to change
that status quo.
been born and brought up in Kenya, I have seen and experienced firsthand the
problems and suffering my people go through on a daily basis poverty being the
number one killer. HIV pandemic adding more salt to the injury. I have seen
babies’ orphaned as young as two months,
being left in the hands of a cruel world. Others in their teen age but with no
shoulder to cry on. I have seen women as old as 80 years being raped. In a
society where the perpetrator thinks that such an act will cure him of HIV. I
have seen a generation lost in drugs and premarital sex.
With nobody to tell them of the dangers and
consequences. It is from such experiences, “love Beyond Boundaries Foundation’
was born, with nothing but my mere salary and a burning desire to make a
change. Three years down the line, it has become a story of joy, lives changed
and many more inspired.
Beyond Boundaries
Box 23341 - 00625,
Nairobi, Kenya.
+254 707 065119